Monday, May 20, 2013

Star Trek (2009)

Title: Star Trek

Year: 2009

Director: J.J. Abrams

Rating: PG-13 for sci-fi action and violence, and brief sexual content

Synopsis: The brash James T. Kirk tries to live up to his father's legacy with Mr. Spock keeping him in check as a vengeful, time-traveling Romulan creates black holes to destroy the Federation one planet at a time.

Official Page and IMDb Page

Official Trailer




Star Trek was a surprise for me. In all honesty, I'm a Star Wars fan and, though never having seen it, I've heard of Star Trek many times. Due to the hate it received from other Star Wars fans, I was skeptic. Truth is, I was very wrong.

This movie is a reboot, but it's a very original reboot. It doesn't just restart with the exact same storyline, it gives birth to another set of probabilities, granting an army of possibilities ripe for the taking. Both newcomers and long-time fans will enjoy this movie. That's all good, but I do have to point out some things.

The fact that it's an In-Canon reboot, it has many things they don't explain, so some people might not understand. The whole story revolves around old Spock, who was tossed back in time through a black hole. It's all nice and smooth, but it kind of makes a paradox. Sure, it can be explained away, but it still a confusing thing for a reboot. I kinda felt like it was all just to have Leonard Nimoy in the movie, who played Old Spock.

The characters are acted by extremely good actors and they're a cool, diverse cast, but the characters themselves felt forced sometimes. Characters did things at opportune moments but at others they just did completely moronic things. Overall, it's a good, solid movie. It's definitely a movie worth watching.




First, I want to point out that I know nothing of Star Trek beside there is an alien character from planet Vulcan named Spock.  Oh and the “Live long and prosper” farewell. With that in mind I have to say that I really liked this movie. It has a great blend of sci-fi, action, suspense and even a bit of romance. Also, it was really great to see the beginnings of such famous characters; how they began and how they developed into the characters millions know and love.

The first thing I noticed, and loved, about this movie was the extensive array of great actors. At the beginning of the movie I was gasping every two to five minutes every time I recognized a face.

The story is full of intrigue, for the first half of it you are left wondering who the bad guy is and why he is doing what he is doing. However, it felt a bit forced; like the story was written that way for the sole purpose of having an excuse for Leonard Nimoy’s appearance. Yet, this story proved useful because it provides an ending and a sense of closure to the fans of the classic series, while providing a new start for new fans. 


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