Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Dark Knight (2008)

Title: The Dark Knight

Year: 2008

Director: Christopher Nolan

Synopsis: When Batman, Gordon and Harvey Dent launch an assault on the mob, they let the clown out of the box, the Joker, bent on turning Gotham on itself and bringing any heroes down to his level.




Wow. Just wow. This movie was magnificent, if not pure perfection. I literally have nothing bad to say about it! The actors portrayed their characters to such an extent that they took acting to another level. But the jewel that pushed this movie to new heights was The Joker himself. When he first gives an explanation for his scars, I shuddered and had to stop the movie for a bit just to relax, because he was seriously terrifying. At other times, he was funny to the point that I was laughing out loud, a balance few characters can achieve. I have yet to see a better portrayed villain anywhere. The tension was nerve-wracking during the ferries "game", and Two-Face was just completely terrifying and awesome. Batman was more agile and skilled than before, and his gadgets and tools just keep getting better and better. A small appearance by The Scarecrow was epic, and the Batman impersonators added to the whole "Gotham Is Changing" feel. So, if you want a thrilling, action-packed, hero movie, you can't get anything better than this.




The only thing I didn't like about this movie was Batman's new stupid voice. But, this was such a minor part of the movie that I'm going to let it slide. 

Besides this small nuisance, the movie was utter perfection. It build up on what Batman Begins had already started; it kept the same tone, the same harsh view of reality and the same amazing actors.

What makes The Dark Knight different and way better than its predecessor is the new things that it introduced (besides Batman's new voice!). The new characters, the Joker and Harvey Dent, stole the show. They are the actual stars of this movie. The actors' portrayal were intense and on point. Each actor lived and became his role. Aaron Eckhart excelled at portraying both good and evil sides of his character, his slow transition from Gotham's White Knight to Harvey Two Face was dramatic and powerful. Nonetheless, Heath Ledger outshone even Eckhart. His performance was creepy, disturbing and chill-educing. He didn't won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for nothing. He was THAT good. 

I also liked is that this story doesn't follow the usual dramatic structure of rising action, climax and falling action. Many things were happening at once, many stories unraveling. This created many plot twists and many climaxes throughout the movie. It was, definitely, well written. 

However, to fully understand the brilliance of this movie, words are not enough. You will have to go ahead and watch it.


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