Monday, October 14, 2013

The Amazing Spider-Man

Title: The Amazing Spider-Man

Year: 2012

Director: Marc Webb

Rating (by MPAA): PG-13 for sequences of action and violence

Synopsis (IMDb): Peter Parker finds a clue that might help him understand why his parents disappeared when he was young. His path puts him on a collision course with Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former partner.

IMDb Page




This is, by far, my favorite superhero movie of them all. The cast did an excellent job at portraying their characters excellently, specially Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. Their chemistry as Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy was just perfect. Spider-Man was funny and quirky and literally amazing. At one fight, Spider-man actually moved like a spider. The movie was excellent. But, I have to point out two things, one of them is the reason I'm not giving this movie five stars.

One of the two things I disliked, was that there was never any closure to Uncle Ben's death. He dies, and Peter mourns for him. Then, Peter embarks on a quest for vengeance, yet he never finishes it, and his epiphany about being a hero simply pushes the Uncle's death from perspective. Uncle Ben is killed, but Peter doesn't get a chance to give that part of his life a close. It might be finished up in the next movie, but the writers should have given a closure to it.

The other thing was when Doctor Connors told Peter that he was 'all alone.' He said that Peter lost his parents and his uncle, and therefore, he was all alone. But, honestly? Peter has a mega-sexy girlfriend, and he has his aunt. That, by itself, is not being alone. Flash also seemed to have a change from the bully to a friend, so Peter also has him. So, Peter wasn't all alone, and Doctor Connors' statement was moot; ridiculous; and just plain out of context. It was merely an excuse to stall for time, so that the comeback would have been 'unexpected' and 'epic'.




This was an amazing reboot of the series. The movie fully explains the origins of Spider-man and the main actor, Andrew Garfield, even looks like the cartoon version of Peter Parker. This new Spiderman is dorky and witty, and his story is really close to the original comic.

The movie was wonderfully written; having a bit of everything. Emotions were, also, well played: the movie made me laugh when it was funny and cry when it was emotional. There was no need for 50 explosions or gallons of blood to make the movie entertaining and interesting. The whole movie had a more realistic feel to it, as opposed to the exaggerated, cartoonish movies of old. Moreover, the characters were also realistic and marvelously portrayed.

Garfield was particularly impressive. He was fairly unknown when he was chosen and yet I'm sure he stole everyone's hearts. He is a natural. He made Peter feel like a normal teenager, with all the doubts and anger that comes with that stage. But what surprised me the most was his ability to be so naturally awkward. He managed to make me blush and feel embarrassed for him whenever he was talking to Gwen. I loved, as well, his Spider-man's enactment: his facetious personality and spider-like movements.

Some people have criticized this movie due to some technicalities, and others because they think the movie has a grave mistake: Gwen's father was attacked and dying and Peter should have given him the serum. However, if Peter would have give him the serum, he would have turned into a lizard; but, when the effects wear off, he would still have the injuries, just as Dr. Connors was still missing his arm after he took the serum. Also, if Gwen's father had taken the serum and turned into a lizard he would have turned irrational and wouldn't have accepted any help from anyone, so the let's-give-him-the-serum-to-buy-him-some-time theory is out of the question.

I disliked that the movie didn't offer a sense of closure for Peter's uncle; there was no funeral and, apparently, the murderer was never caught. I also didn't like when, near the end, Dr. Connors tells Peter that he is "all alone". I was like: "what about his aunt and girlfriend?"

Besides these, the movie, as a whole, was entertaining, amazing and interesting. It is a must watch.


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