Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Doctor Who (2005) - Voyage of the Damned

Title: Doctor Who

Year: 2005

Broadcasting Station: BBC One

Synopsis: A spacecraft set on an apocalyptic collision course with Earth, a host of killer robot angels and an evil severed-headed mastermind - it's just another Christmas for the Doctor... 




I didn't really like this episode as much as I should. More angels, though nothing as cool and scary as the Weeping Angels, appeared in this episode. The Doctor is, in my opinion, strange throughout the whole episode and the final events made me think the story was too loose, leaving me with a bazillion theories to how the Doctor could have saved the girl. I really loved 'Alonso, Alon-sy,' and when the Doctor presents himself. I also was laughing out loud when they were talking about the people of Earth ("And then they go to war with the people of Turkey!") It was a weak episode, and only one or two moments actually made me feel anything besides slightly amused; like, when the red little being turned out to be a Cyborg with an E.M.P. in his chest. Apart from four or five tiny, not-very-important moments, the episode wasn't good. Definitely not what I've come to expect of Doctor Who. Then again, David Tennant continues to make an excellent Doctor.




I don't know what to say about this episode; it wasn't good, it wasn't bad, it was just there. It definitely has a moment or two that are quite funny, and a moment or two that are daring and inspiring. However, in an episode that lasts more than an hour, four two-minutes moments don't amount to much. Also, the companion's ending left an awful aftertaste because it was completely preventable.

This episode is just unmemorable, and not important to the actual story of The Doctor. However, one of its characters has a brief, unessential appearance later on in the show. If not for this tiny detail I would tell everyone to skip this episode.


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