Monday, June 16, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Title: The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Year: 2014

Director: Marc Webb

Rating (by MPAA):  PG-13 for sequences of sci-fi action/violence

Synopsis (IMDb): Peter Parker runs the gauntlet as the mysterious company Oscorp sends up a slew of super villains against him, impacting his life.

Official Page

Official Trailer




Do you know how Hollywood likes to mess up a really good movie, with an awful sequel? They take already big movies and try to make them even bigger to make them "better", and they fail miserably. Exhibit A: Two Fast, Two Furious; Exhibit B: The Matrix Reloaded; Exhibit C: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I was scared that might have happen to the new Spider-man, but I'm happy to say it didn't. This is another win for Spider-man, yet again; it was a truly amazing movie. This sequel follows in its predecessor's footsteps. It had a perfect balance between drama, action, comedy and romance; it managed to create perfect moments of dramatic intensity, followed by carefree moments filled with Peter's charisma and charm.

In this instance we get to delve into Peter's past, or technically, his parents'. We find out why they left Peter behind, why they disappeared, and about Richard's involvement with Oscorp. However, I'm sensing that what we find out is merely the tip of the iceberg.

The newcomers, Jamie Foxx and Dane DeHaan, and their respective characters, are literally at the center of this movie; the movie revolves around these two. And they deserve it. Their enactments were amazing and their characters, brilliant and astounding. Their gradual progression from good to evil was gripping and exciting. If I didn't know how things were going to turn out, I could have been completely fooled by Harry's good boy haircut and Max's pity-inducing Spider-man obsession. In fact, I was captivated by their good counterparts. I couldn't believed that they were going to turn evil eventually; maybe the trailers were mistaken, I hoped. Unfortunately, my hopes were extinguished.

Harry's transformation from a world traveled brat to the Green Goblin, the specific moment of the transformation, was chill-inducing. (In a great way!) That is one of my favorite parts of the movie. DeHaan's acting afterward was even better that before. He literally created a completely different character for the Goblin. As he said, Harry was dead. There was no trace of him in the Goblin.

One thing that I usually don't notice in movies, but adored in this one, is the soundtrack. The music for this movie, especially the original music, dazzled me. The effects it was accompanied by helped increased its impressiveness.

The movie's critical and climactic plot-twist was undoubtedly surprising. Even though I was expecting it, and knew what was going to happen, I was caught off-guard. It was beautifully made, with no room for mistake. I like that the movie didn't portray it as it happened in the comics, that way it was more visually easy to understand. Most people that say the movie wasn't as good as the first one is, probably, because they didn't like or understand this twist. To those people I say: review the story developed through Spider-Man 1, 2 & 3.


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