About Ell


I'm Elliot J. Colon (But I usually go by the pen-name Ell J. Converse.) I'm an eighteen-years-old writer who loves to, well, write (obviously), read, listen to music and just take it easy. I live in a small apartment with my hard-working mum, my eldest sister, twin cats and a seriously scardy-dog, each of which provide me with support, one way or another.

This blog came about as a desire between my and my sister to write reviews of video games, books, movies and more in a friendly, non-profesional point of view. So, we ended up creating it like it is because we wanted guys AND girls to know what other guys and girls (In this case, She and I) think about those kind of thing.

I'm a long-time writer, though I haven't published anything. Because I'm Bilingual, I get to read and watch much more than other people, which gives me a lot to write about. I also have several other blogs that are my own personal ones, upon which I write my randomness-filled posts or story chapters, depending on which.

You may contact me through the form below. For other ways in which you may contact/follow me go to my Contact Page.


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