Saturday, June 6, 2015

Tomorrowland (2015)

Tomorrowland 2015

Director: Brad Bird

MPAA Rating: PG for sequences of sci-fi action violence and peril, thematic elements, and language

Official Page

Official Synopsis: Bound by a shared destiny, a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy-genius inventor jaded by disillusionment embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space that exists in their collective memory as "Tomorrowland."

Official Trailer




When I first saw the trailer for this movie, I thought it'd be riding the whole touch-the-pin gimmick into the ground. In fact, when I walked into the theater, I wasn't even excited for it. I was skeptical, even though it's a Disney movie, and believe me when I tell you that, without a doubt, this movie raised the bar to never-before-seen heights. 

Each actor played their role impecably. Each scene and moment was impactful in it's own way, from the very funny ones to the shocking plot twists halfway through. I found myself laughing, which isn't that hard to believe. But I also found myself amazed, awestruck, even shocked, as if I were part of the movie, not just watching. I felt what Casey, the main character, was feeling. I understood Frank's negativity. I loved Athena. No movie made me link with the characters as much as this one did, and that's saying something. 

Beyond that, and without going into spoilers, the actual message is something that is meaningful to this day and age. It inspired me to never give up, which, in and of itself, is my favorite part of the movie. In the past several years, I've seen hundreds of movies, but none of them has inspired me, or made me feel like this message was meant for me. Specially because, in this movie's case, the message applies to every single one of us, from adults to little children. 

In the end, Disney has done it again, breaking the limits and creating another masterpiece to add to their, already incredible, galery. This movie is definitely worth watching with the family, as every member of it will find something great in this movie. It has become my all-time favorite movie, so go watch it. You definitely will not regret it.


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