Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Title: Incarceron

Author: Catherine Fisher

Year of Publication: 2011

Synopsis: Incarceron is a prison so vast that it contains not only cells and corridors, but metal forests, dilapidated cities, and wilderness. It has been sealed for centuries, and only one man has ever escaped. Finn has always been a prisoner here. Although he has no memory of his childhood, he is sure he came from Outside. His link to the Outside, his chance to break free, is Claudia, the warden's daughter, herself determined to escape an arranged marriage. They are up against impossible odds, but one thing looms above all: Incarceron itself is alive.




The book has a good pacing and a good beginning, but, if you read intently (as you obviously should) you might spot a bit of a spoiler that, once found, destroys the hope of future discovery, which means you won't be excited when you find that out. I really liked it, though I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have because I found it a bit predictable and the narration is mostly boring. Also, some of the characters act out of character at some points, which I found a bit sad, considering the characters are pretty cool.

Now, the book is sweet, but the three points I mentioned above kinda damage the experience a lot, but there's also the way she describes things leaves an empty feeling that a deeper narration would have turned into a rich story. Overall, it's good, not extremely good, definitely a one-time book.


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