Friday, April 5, 2013

A Kingdom of Keflings (Xbox Arcade)

Title: A Kingdom of Keflings

Developers: NinjaBee

Patforms: Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows

Rating: E mild cartoon violence

Official Page and IGN Page




Many games on the X-Box Live Marketplace have the ability to take your avatar and make it a part of the game, but none make it so smoothly as this. Now, this game is about a giant in a world of small people. You're the giant, and you need to help the Keflings create their kingdom. It's adorable to see all the little people running around doing the things you command them to do. It's beautiful, adorable and downright cute, but grants a level of gameplay. See, you have a limited supply of Keflings at your command, and you need to pick them up and drop them on their respective jobs to get them started. But, not only that, the supplies to build things are limited, so you need to balance creating houses to have new Keflings with building things to evolve your kingdom. This game is brilliant for children and older gamers alike, and is perfect to play together with your child or little brother or sister.


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