Thursday, August 8, 2013

Doctor Who (2005) - Series 3

Title: Doctor Who (2005)

Season: Series 3

Broadcasting Station: BBC One

Official Website

Synopsis: A third season of sci-fi adventures for the venerable British Doctor with his brand new assistant, Martha.

Official Trailer




This season is one I love to hate. See, most of the episodes in this one were great, such as ‘Blink’, ‘Human Nature’ and even ‘The Lazarus Experiment.’ The reason I say I love to hate it, though, isn’t the episodes. It’s Martha Jones. She’s whiny and dependent and her family is almost as annoying as Rose’s. She does, however, help The Doctor out with some stuff, but she still has an odd feeling to her. David Tennant, once again, made an amazing performance. The Doctor was, almost literally, the jewel of the Season. But, of course, he had a big contender once Captain Jack Harkness made his return! Season three definitely has some of the best episodes ever, and I can honestly say I don’t dislike any of them. Though, somehow, I wish I had seen more of the Jack/Doctor banter like it was with the Ninth Doctor.




I'm beginning to see some improvement in this show. This series is way better than the ones that came before it; it was not perfect, but it was better. 

The first half of the series is a bit dull, and getting to know Martha Jones was a difficult task. She is a nice girl, yet, I don't know why, but I don't like her. I guess is the fact that she wasn't just a companion and friend. As she confirmed in the end, she was mostly traveling with The Doctor in the hopes that he would fall in love with her. And that just annoyed me; always with sad puppy eyes, always sighing and getting jealous of every woman. I understand The Doctor is an exceptional man and that any girl could fall in love with him. However, with Martha, I felt like she wasn't enjoying her journey because she was too inmerse in her feelings towards The Doctor.

The second half of this series was the total opposite: it was intense, intriguing and extremely entertaining. Every episode had me on the edge of my seat. Also, every episode featured a problem The Doctor couldn't solve, either because he was trapped, possessed or not himself. It was really nice to see him trusting and relying on other people to save him. This also led to Martha taking the reigns of some situations and actually doing something. In the end she proved herself useful and my opinion of her changed a bit.

The best of episode of this series is, once again, Steven Moffat's. "Blink" is such a great episode that it has become one of Doctor Who's best episodes overall, is one of the fan's favorites and its villain The Weeping Angels were chosen as the Scariest Doctor Who Villain in a BBC poll. This episode was amazing; Moffat is a genius.

The ending of the series was really good, though it was a bit anticlimactic because it didn't include a final showdown. The series story arc was better than previous ones and was, also, better constructed. The Master was brilliant; John Simm's performance was impeccable. He was a great match for David Tennant.

From now on Doctor Who will only get better. If you have liked the show so far, brace yourself for what's coming.


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