Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Doctor Who (2005) – Series 5

Title: Doctor Who

Series Number: 5

Broadcasting Station: BBC One

Number of Episodes: 13

Original Release: 3 April 2010 – 26 June 2010

Official Site

Official Trailer




With a new Doctor, a new companion, a new Tardis, a new sonic screwdriver, as well as a new showrunner (Steven Moffat), this season feels like another reboot of the series. And let me tell you, I like Doctor Who a lot more now. Moffat is doing wonders for this show. It is young and fresh, and its fast pace makes you feel like you are living an adventure yourself. As opposed to Davies’ series which were more slow and dramatic.

After watching the first episode of the season, “The Eleventh Hour”, Matt Smith’s Doctor became my favorite Doctor yet. This feeling was only strengthen after each episode. He is energetic, smart, witty and super crazy. I love how Matt Smith has made a more physical Doctor. With his constant hand gestures and his moving about you get a glimpse of the craziness inside his head.

Amy is also a really good character, worthy companion for The Doctor. I don’t like the sense of ownership she has over The Doctor, but I can deal with that. She is strong, decided, and unafraid. She leads The Doctor more than he leads her. Their friendship is a story for the ages.

The other traveler in the Tardis this season, Rory, caught me by surprise. He seemed like an ordinary scrawny doofus in the first episode and I didn’t give him much thought. Until the very end of the series. His love and loyalty towards Amy left me speechless. The sacrifice he made for her brought tears to my eyes. I will not look at him the same way again, no matter how dorky he still looks.

It was also super fun to see River Song again. That one-off Moffat character that knows The Doctor’s name. Her flirtations with this younger, super awkward Doctor are hilariously cheeky but cute. She is a sexier female version of The Doctor and I love it. Still, the mystery continues. We don’t know who she is or how she knows The Doctor. We know that she likes to order him around and that she flies the Tardis like a pro, better than The Doctor himself. But that’s not much.

Moffat has changed Doctor Who for good. This whole season was amazing, full of remarkable character, laughs, and feels. It has many extraordinary episodes like the one where you meet The Doctor: “The Eleventh Hour”; the laugh-out-loud funny: “The Lodger”; and the one that makes me cry every time I watch it: “Vincent and The Doctor”. Not every episode in this series is grandiose, but they are all really good. And even the ones that I consider a bit slow, (like “The Vampires of Venice”) are way better than most of the episodes of previous series. Moffat is definitely off to a great start.


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