Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Doctor Who (2005) - Series 1

Title: Doctor Who

Year: 2005

Broadcasting Station: BBC

Official Website

Official Synopsis: Meet the new Doctor and his companion Rose as, together, they set out across space and time in a series of exhilarating adventures and deadly confrontations...

Official Trailer




I first met 'The Doctor' thanks to one of my best friends. After seeing the first episode, I was still skeptic. I gave it a shot, though, and went on watching it. Now I'm really happy I did. The Doctor is an endearing, quirky character that travels through time and space in a big blue box called TARDIS: Time And Relative Dimension In Space. Now, even though this is a sequel to the Classic Doctor Who, it did a good job in making a story that draws in newcomers, yet making it good for the fans of the Classic Doctor Who.

As a whole, this season (Or series, as it's called in the U.K.) is based around the Ninth Doctor and his companion (Which he meets in the first episode) and their journey through time and space. But, the reason I love this season so much is because of another character: Captain Jack Harkness. He appears halfway through the season, and it was an instant hit. The episode he first appears (Written by Moffat) in is epic, and he was just perfectly portrayed. Not only was he himself fun, but his attitude and demeanor around others made him cool and hilarious. Christopher Eccleston himself was also amazing. He managed to make me laugh with, and at, The Doctor, but gave me goose bumps at other times, all due to his amazing acting.

That said, I have to add that the first few episodes aren't very good compared to other episodes within the same season, and the ending itself leaves so much to be desired. Rose Tyler does basically nothing (As her actions in the finale aren't her own) and she seems to be more of a damsel in distress than an actual companion. Solid Doctor; Sad Ending; very good TV Series. If you like Sci-Fi or mysteries, then this series is for you. And, if you don't like these things, you should still give it a look!




Truth be told, I did not like the pilot of this series at all. If it weren't because Ell had already seen many seasons of it and told me it was worth it, I wouldn't have given Doctor Who a chance to redeem itself. I'm so grateful I did. It is the greatest TV series I've ever seen and my favorite.

Doctor Who reintroduces an old and famous British character. He has been around since 1963, but only recently did he began to be known in America: The Doctor, a time-traveling alien. After about 40 years, Doctor Who was canceled due to low numbers; in 2005, it was picked up again. However, to be sure that it would be interesting to everybody, not just fans of the original series, the producers and writers gave it a spin. They made a reboot of the series, introduced whole new characters and stories, while maintaining the principal character. Exactly how? Spoilers! I can tell you this though: you don't need to know anything about the classic series to understand this reboot. Everyone is introduced, and everything is explained in due time. Don't think that if you have a question it means that you're missing something. That's just how Doctor Who works: lots of questions, lots of intrigue.

Now, back to this season. I didn't like the pilot because I found the bad guys - plastic window dummies- to be stupid. Yes, they had guns and were "deadly", but I still saw it as a joke. Nevertheless, I was very intrigued by this Doctor. Who is he? What's his name? Is it true what it's said about him in the pilot? Is he really a time-traveling alien? So I kept watching.

The series does gets better and after a few episodes you'll start to have a blast. My favorite episode of the season is "The Empty Child" by Steven Moffat. First of all, you have to take note of this writer, remember his name. The best Doctor Who episodes are written by him. Second, I love this episode because it introduces a new character: Capt. Jack Harkness. This character is wonderful, different and contagious. Not only that, but he comes to shake things up a bit, for better or for worse.

This season is not Doctor Who at its best. I have to admit that. However, I know it achieves greatness along the way. It is a great series with different topics and role models than those in American TV series. And, if you give it a chance, it will blow you away.


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