Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Doctor Who Christmas Special - The Christmas Invasion

Title: The Christmas Invasion

Broadcasting Station: BBC

Official Site

Synopsis: It's Christmas Eve, but this is to be a far from silent night - the cruel Sycorax have come to Earth to enslave mankind and, as ever, only The Doctor can stop them. Unfortunately, he's lying in a coma in Jackie's home...




This special Christmas episode revolves around how Rose Tyler copes with the Post-Regeneration Doctor. Honestly? Most of the episode kinda sucks, as The Doctor is unconscious for most of the episode, during which time all Rose actually does is cry about how she is, and I quote, 'Useless' and how that's not 'Her Doctor.' Luckily, at the end, David Tennant (The Tenth Doctor) finally wakes up and shows why he was chosen for the role, quickly making an extremely fun and cool finale for the special. Unfortunately, this episode meant a whole lot of Jackie and Mickey, both of which are annoying at best. It's an okay episode, but not what I'd expect of Doctor Who.




The Christmas Invasion is the first story with David Tennant as The Doctor. I was expecting an epic introduction of this new Doctor. I wanted to know how he is and if he will live up to Eccleston's Doctor. Unfortunately, this episode featured an unconscious Doctor for the better part of it. During the first half of the episode the Doctor is unconscious and lying around. Rose is the only one that could do something, yet she admits that without the Doctor she is useless.

After two thirds of the episode, the Doctor finally awakens. He makes some laugh-out-load funny comments and fights the leader of the Sycorax. That took about 15 minutes. Those 15 minutes were amazing. The new Doctor impressed me beyond measure. If he managed to be witty, intense, decisive and powerful in just 15 minutes, I couldn’t wait to see what he was going to do in 45-minute episodes.

Tennant was amazing and, at the end, that made the episode somewhat worthwhile. However, Tennant’s performance wasn’t enough to carry the whole episode.


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