Monday, July 29, 2013

Doctor Who Christmas Special - The Runaway Bride

Title: The Runaway Bride

Broadcasting Station: BBC One

Original Air Date: 25 December 2006

Synopsis: Killer Santas, exploding baubles, an alien spaceship shaped like a giant star - Christmas with the Doctor is anything but a silent night...




This episode revolves around a bride that suddenly appeared inside the TARDIS. The instant she appeared, I thought she wasn’t very nice and very mean, but as the episode progressed, I began to really like her. By the end of the episode, the interactions between Donna and The Doctor became my favorite ever, and I was sad to see her go. David Tennant was epic, as usual, so there’s no doubt this is one of the best episodes so far.




The first part of the episode was utterly annoying. Donna kept yelling every word and all i could think was: "could someone please shut her up?" Then again, she was "kidnapped" from her own wedding, I would probably yell too. Still, she was annoying. 

As the story progressed my opinion of her started to shift. It was really sad to see that nobody cared about her being missing, but it was heartbreaking to find about the real reason she was getting married. In that moment we got to see Donna's vulnerable side and I found myself defending her from the verbal attacks of a certain man.

Villain-wise not much happened. This story wasn't focused on Christmas or aliens invading Earth; it was mostly Donna's story. Still, David Tennant managed to shine on his own, as always. His performance as a pre- Time Lord Victorious was scary, chilling and impecable, and the ending just gave viewers a taste of what to expect from him in the future.


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