Wednesday, July 24, 2013

New Girl - Season 2

Title: New Girl

Year: 2011

Broadcasting Station: Fox

Official Website

Official Synopsis: This season, after Jess gets laid off from her teaching job, she re-evaluates her life and career and immediately makes some dubious choices along the way.




Jess is back! At last the dorky, awkward, singing Jess is back! The producers corrected everything I criticized about the first season: about how New Girl became just another sit-com, and how Jess wouldn’t even sing anymore. Apparently they noticed they were losing what made New Girl so different and fixed it in time. This season was ridiculously funny and utterly awkward. However, so many jokes and topics were presented in this season that I don’t know if the writers will have enough storylines to keep this series fresh for a couple more seasons.

This season brought two major developments: Schmidt and Jess’ love life overall. During this whole season Schmidt and Cece were apart. After a few episodes dating Roby, Cece decided to marry someone from her own culture, which let Schmidt heartbroken. The story carried on as expected and, even though it had an unanticipated twist, the ending was completely predictable.

The other development was bittersweet: Jess and Nick finally got together. This is what I was waiting for since the beginning of New Girl and I couldn’t have said it any better: “I’m happy to see this is finally happening.” The bitter part is that their first date left much to be desired. Many episodes were dedicated to changing opinions, indecisiveness and misunderstandings. It was all hot and cold, and then they kept asking themselves why things had to be so hard and complicated. It was irritatingThankfully this was fixed after a few episodes and everything started to run smoothly-ish.

About Winston, I don’t even know why he is in this series. There were no developments in his life during this whole season. He is just there, filling space; his friends didn’t even remember his birthday. At best he is used as the comic relief sidekick. I really hope he either gets an interesting storyline, or moves out of the apartment and leaves his space to someone else.


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