Thursday, December 12, 2013

Doctor Who (2005) - Series 4

Title: Doctor Who (2005)

Season: Series 4

Broadcasting Station: BBC One

Synopsis: The tenth Doctor reunites with Donna Noble and, togehter, they embark on a series of adventures across time and space.




Doctor Who has it's high and lows, it's great episodes and it's bad episodes. But this season is definitely one of the best. Katherine Tate was amazing as the season's companion, Donna Noble, and David Tennant was as impressive and endearing as ever. The Doctor's friendship with Donna Noble is my personal favorite. This season definitely has some of the best episodes of late, making me cry and laugh, many times at the same time. Halfway through the series Martha Jones returned, for two episodes that proved how she really was annoying. But, that's my own personal opinion. My own personal highlight of the series is Steven Moffat's two part story, Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead, where a character from the Doctor's future, but I won't give you any more spoilers. The finale of the series did cause me some trouble, or rather, it had too many characters that didn't actually do anything besides getting captured by the main villain (hint: Daleks.) The actual final moments involving Donna and The Doctor were heartbreaking and definitely tear-inducing, definitely a magnificent ending. If you've liked the series up until now, you'll love this season.




When I saw that Donna was going to be the next companion I was less than happy. She had been very annoying on the Christmas Special she first appeared in. So, I thought she was going to make the whole series annoying. By the second episode, “The Fires of Pompeii”, she stole my heart. Catherine Tate, who plays Donna, was extraordinary in that episode, and every bad thought and feeling I had about her disappeared. From then on, I saw her as magnificent. I began to love how she is tough, decided and doesn't let anyone go over her. She asks the right questions and doesn't hold anything back. She brought a naturalness to the series and made it more emotionally engaging. By the end of the series I didn't want to see her go. Her demise was so powerful, heartbreaking and well-acted that it brought tears to my eyes. 

Overall the series wasn't great. The episodes were not that good. They weren't interesting or intriguing. Most of them were just OK. But the ending was not even “just OK”. It felt forced, like Russel T. Davies wanted an excuse to have all “The children of Time” together in an episode. But it wasn't a good excuse. Besides, there were so many sidekicks in one episode that most of them ended up doing nothing. The one that actually did something, and saved everyone, was Donna. Another reason to love her.

The only episodes that were really good were “The Fires of Pompeii”, "Midnight" and, once again, Steven Moffat's. His two-part story about The Library was amazing, intriguing, scary and set the tone for the upcoming series, where Moffat is going to be the new show-runner. Furthermore, in this story Moffat introduced an enigmatic new character that is loved by many and, sadly, hated by others: River Song. I'm in the group that loves her. She is wonderful, smart, passionate and a natural flirt. Yet, her whole story is a mystery; we know nothing about her, except she knows The Doctor very well. Which is were the whole mystery comes from. 


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