Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New Girl (Fox) - Season 1

Title: New Girl

Broadcasting Station: Fox

Status: Ongoing

Starring: Zooey Deschanel, Jake Johnson and Max Greenfield

Synopsis: After a bad break-up, Jess, an offbeat young woman, moves into an apartment loft with three single men. Although they find her behavior very unusual, the men support her - most of the time.




I can understand why this series was such a hit when it premiered: the first few episodes are so fresh, hilarious and addicting, people can’t help themselves. Once you start watching New Girl there is no way you will stop, no matter how ridiculous the episodes are afterwards.

This series has an ok premise. It has nothing different or weird that could cause intrigue. When people started talking about how amazing it was, I didn’t understand. Then, I watched its trailer and I was sold. 

It’s not what or why, what matters in New Girl is how. Its premise does sound like something that has been done before, but Zooey Deschanel brings something new to this show. Her character Jess’ personality, her dorkyness and craziness, is the true star of this show, what keeps it going and why so many people fell in love with it. She was even nominated for a Primetime Emmy in 2012 for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series. But, what’s even better is that her personality is not big enough to outshine the other characters.

My favorite character, overall, is Schmidt, played by Max Greenfield. At first, he seems like your regular womanizer with a funny sparkle. But, he is so much more. This character has so many layers I find it hard to believe it was written for a sitcom. He was a fat and weird kid, and suddenly he’s this hot guy who sleeps around. I thought that was it, but turns out he is obsessed with cleaning and cooking; he is a delicate young man with strong feelings and a feminine touch that really suites him. His relationship with Cece was the greatest twist in the whole series, they are perfect for each other, and we got to see Schmidt’s sweet side. This character is so amazing that the actor, Greenfield, was nominated for a Primetime Emmy as an Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series in 2012.

New Girl’s other characters, Coach, Wilson, Cece and Nick, are good but not as great as the ones already presented. Coach leaves after the first episode due to the actor’s contract in another series. Wilson is kind of there and that’s it. Nothing really important or noteworthy happens to, or with, him.

Out of these four characters, Cece is the best. She is a gorgeous model and Jess’ best friend. Cece really supports Jess, which is why I love her. Halfway through the series, she starts some kind of relationship with Schmidt, and this means we get to see more of her and what she’s like; but not enough.

Nick is the one that has potential. He is a depressed guy with self-esteem issues. He dropped out of law school and now works at a bar. He hasn’t accomplished anything in his life. This, if properly developed, could be the source of so many funny, yet deep, moments for this series. Besides, a Nick-Jess romantic relationship is definitely in the writers’ minds. So, Nick is definitely one to watch.

The characters overall are really good. The jokes are funny. And the first couple of episodes the amazing. But I do have one complain. After the fifth or sixth episode it started to be all about sex. I mean all; all the jokes and stories were based upon it. This may not be a surprise due to the state of TV series nowadays. But, what really upsets me is the drastic change in the series focus and Jess’ perception of sex.

At first the series was about a quirky young woman who sings all the time and who had just moved in with three guys. It was about their differences and them learning to live with, and support, one another; about Jess coming out of a six year relationship and trying to move on, and about her job as a school teacher. Sex was always a subtext, but not the main topic.

Later, the series was all about every character’s sexual relationships. Jess became the total opposite: having one night stands, working as a shot girl and even backsliding to an ex-boyfriend a few days after she broke up with her boyfriend. She doesn’t even sing anymore! At first, her personality made me think she was a dorky, different and special young woman who had an odd way of looking at life; afterwards, she just seemed like a childish grown woman. Maybe I’m judging her wrongly. If the series’ writers would’ve been consistent and gradually made the changes, I would have no problem with that. But they didn’t.

Writers of a series should be consistent when writing characters and storylines. That way, viewers won’t be confused or surprised. They shouldn’t present a series, and its stars, as something different and fresh, and then do what every other series does.

Leaving aside this lack of consistency, I have to say it is a great series. Actually, it is one of my favorites. Like I said, once you start watching it, you’re hooked.


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